Jimmy Newton Lim - Online Memorial Website

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Jimmy Newton Lim
Born in Singapore
39 years
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Ruth Liow Farewell, Jimmy August 15, 2008

I was completely shocked when I found out from the obitruaries in early June that Jimmy had passed on. He was our dance choreographer for a musical we put up for the Nanyang Technological University's Christian Fellowship Music Ministry in 1992. I remember Jimmy as a tremendously talented person. Years later, I met Jimmy again at my ex-employer's annual dinner and dance where he was the Master of Ceremony. He cracked some irreverant jokes but we all had a great time.


My sister Justine and I are both deeply saddened by your passing, Jimmy. Our deepest condolences to your family and loved ones.


Yours sincerely,

Ruth (Chueng Xin)

Justine Liow Just heard from my sister who is visiting.. August 14, 2008

I met Jimmy while we were both part of the cast in the Bugis Street Musical I think about 15 years ago. The production had a chance to make a tour to Hong Kong.


Jimmy was such a talented performer who left a deep impression in my heart. We didn't really spent time together much but I can tell that he was a caring and a very sincere person.


My deepest condolences to your family and loved ones, Jimmy. You are sadly missed by all of us.



(currently residing in Chicago, USA)

Andrew Missing YOU June 16, 2008

It came as a total shock when I receive the news...memories flash back to the days that I 1st got to know Jimmy n that was 12 yrs ago & it's just like yesterday...

We had spend alot of times together like planning for shows, shopping, supper etc...and through the years he had always been a great friend, helping me, encouraging me, advising me... we may not always agree on ideas or see eye to eye in our view but we had always had a very good relationship...through him, I've learn alot of things and in particular, learning to have an eye for details since he is always a perfectionalist...

I can go on & on about Jimmy as a colleague, a consultant and most importantly as a friend but but nothing will bring him back from the LORD... May You Rest in Peace, Jimmy...i will always miss your laughter, your smile and most importantly YOU

Joshua U will be sadly missed June 15, 2008

Dear Jim


Can't believe that it has been 9 years sinec we first met. I remember it our love and craze for sitcoms that first brought us together. I remember so clearly those days (when you are still living in Toa Payoh), where I will pop by at night with supper to watch re-run of old sitcoms like 'The Nanny, Cybill, Friends, Frasier etc... " Then later on, we got hooked onto Sex and the City, Will and Grace, OH YES plus Harry Potter, and would spent afternoons watching the DVDs together, having coffee and cakes and laughing hard.


I  will missed those fun mahjong sessions we had, playing and sipping wine, watching TV, bitching and gossiping at the same time. Oh yes, and those fun overseas trip we have been to with the gang.


I cherish our friendship a great deal though at times I do not show it explicitly. I am gratefull for your guidance and advice all these years. May God be with you and your family forever.




Joshua Cheow



Tony Ng, NP 1989 Mr June 14, 2008



I can't believe you are gone. It is just like we were talking yesterday. We knew each other since Ngee Ann Culture Center's Opening in 1988. (If my memory serves me right).  We met again on the flight to BKK 3 years ago, we chatted and you shared your stories. It is always amazing to hear you talk. I am fortunate to witnesse your fantastic MC skills in China Club last year. You were the Shining Star, Jimmy. Bringing  the people together. Indeed a memorable evening.


Just want you to know, we miss you! Rest in peace, my Friend.


David Cheng Luckyheights June 12, 2008

Hi Jimmy


We met at Tianjin Lama place at Lucky Heights end of May and i am sadden of your depature. I intoduced myself and we shook hands. I regret that i did not get to know you better but I am happy that at least i get to say"hi" to a person who has touched many people hearts.


Rest in peace Jimmy..


My sincere wishes to your family espeacialy Aunty and your sister whom I get to know them on the day we met to stay strong ...

Vernon Braberry Without Jim, I Won't Be Where I Am Now June 11, 2008

I was serving my National Service from 1991 - 1993 in Seletar camp. My unit was CCO. I used to see this chap at least 3 times a week either at the bus stop or walking around the camp. He was in another unit next to mine (School Of Logistics i think). So how do i notice one guy from the many thousands of personnels in the base? The destinctive sway of the shoulders and the fashion runway walk. However, we never spoke.


When i was clearing my leave, i had realized that i had no direction as in what to do after ROD (now known as ORD). Nothing was planned for my future. I started asking camp mates what they were gonna do after ROD. Then my medic buddy Terence told me that he knew of a person in the base that was an entertainer and was looking for Sales executives. So Terence, myself and another buddy from the RP section met with this chap. We all had the job. This chap was no other than Jim. How coincidental can this be? I can still remember he was going on and on about his new dance repertoire and costumes he had intended for shows.  


After 15 years, I am now a proud director of an event company. My passion still burns. Until today, i have always reminded myself that without Jim, i would not be where i am now.


The industry has exposed me to many people in many walks of life. I've made many new friends and some have even become my best friends. Jimmy, thank you for the unselfish opportunity you've given me.  


God bless.


Vernon Braberry

i-VOX Communications





staghorn Are The Roses Not Blooming This Morning June 10, 2008
Are the roses not blooming this morning?
Has the sun lost it's beautiful ray?
Have the children no reason for laughing?
Tell me why you have walked away

Has the sky lost it's brilliant blue color?
Are the robins not singing today?
Has that river no reason for running?
Tell me why you have walked away?
Evelyn Seah How does one reconcile with this sudden loss? June 10, 2008

I met Jim in 1995 and was immediately blown away by him.  The way he sashayed, the way he danced, just the simple glamour that he exuded for just being him.  Even his name was one of a kind (Jimmy Newton Lim).  Yet, he is so sincere, caring, generous and unpretentious.  Above all else, I knew I can always count on him as he is one of the most reliable person/professional/entertainer, I’ve ever known.


I can still remember hearing his hearty laughter coming out of the creative studio as he worked diligently way passed the “office hours”.  Peeping in, I can still see him busy sewing sequins onto China slippers, feather boas onto China clogs, and practicing relentlessly with his dancers.  Everything that Jim touched was immediately “glamourised”.


I just cannot reconcile with this sudden loss….I am still in shock….how can Jim be gone?  It all didn’t make sense.  I grieved and was so heartbroken….yet I am a person who has not been in touch with Jim in the past few years.  I can’t even begin to imagine the pain of those whose lives are still being touched by Jim.


Jim, you will be missed……


Tony May The Perpetual Light Shine On You June 10, 2008

I 'met' Jimmy through my website profile. He was very complimenting of my profile and made me felt good with his compliments.


Although we have never met, but his picture and his emails left an impression on me.


Sorry I did not accept that invitation for a drink....but someday we will drink together happily with all the Saints at the LORD's Banquet....that indeed, will be even a better drink jimmy....and we will meet for the first time there...RIP    

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