Jimmy Newton Lim - Online Memorial Website

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Jimmy Newton Lim
Born in Singapore
39 years
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People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

This memorial website was created to remember the love of our lives, dearest Jimmy who was born in Singapore on February 13, 1969 and passed away on June 7, 2008.


You will live forever in our memories and hearts.


Eulogy to a dear dear friend

Delivered on 10 June memorial service


Good evening everybody.

Firstly, to Hanny, Marc, James and all of Jimmy’s family, from my family to yours, our deepest sympathies and condolences.

I was hoping that Hanny will asked me to be part of this memorial, but when she did,it took me a long time to actually agree, I know I owe Jimmy one last tribute but my only worry is how long this 5 min is going to take to complete. So please bear with me......

I think this memorial should be a joyful one, and not mournful one. We, after all, have to keep in mind who we are here to celebrate, and what he would have preferred. What he would have insisted on.

Jimmy, your passing has suspended reality for all of us. It was way too soon, and completely unfair on all accounts. I know as humble as you always were that you would still be pleased to know that the world sends its love and that people all over this planet have been grieving. We've all lost a friend, we've lost a jewel and a gem and we're gonna take some time adjust to life without that sparkle

I want to share this beautiful quotation from Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, it jumped up at me and it’s what I thought perfectly describes my dear friend and brother

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within”


18 years, that’s how long I have known Jimmy. In the many years I can attest that everyone that has met Jimmy will tell you, that shine, that sparkle he will always leave behind with you.Jimmy really shone from inside him.He had so much warm and love for everybody.

It’s impossible not to like him, it’s impossible for him not to leave an impression on you. For those that know him longer it’s impossible not to love  him. I did , just like so many of you.

In closing I have one last quotation to share with you and I hope that somehow this little note can help us along the way as we all leave from here.

After Gracie Allen died, George Burns found a note in her dresser drawer.

It read...

"George,  don’t put a period where God intended a comma." 

Love, Gracie.

So it’s easier said than done but let us grief in our hearts but at the same time quietly rejoice that Jimmy is at a better place. The good lord is lucky, we had Jimmy for only 39 years , he will have him for eternity.

If I know Jimmy well , he has already started re-decorating heaven. In purple.

Cry ........ cry if we have to, after all they say tears help the healing process but please remember we should celebrate the first days of the rest of Jimmy’s life. He would want that.

Jimmy, see you when the next rainbow comes out.

Now rainbows will have 8 colors.

We will miss you dearly


Peter Seow



"Let Your Dreams Be Unlimited" ......Jimmy Newton Lim



Jimmy's final resting place:

Mandai Block  D 2nd Level Room D206 NICHE #322


Latest Memories
Jerry, Ken, Adam, Esther, Joe and Pat

I will always remember the days we spent as house mates in Rio Vista with Ken.  And our fantastic neighbours who always look out/after each other.  Our days at the condo gym/pool, the chit chats and beer sessions.  The Harry Potter story telling sessions you had with us.  Never felt so close and like a family with friends and neighbours before.  The feeling was simply awesome.


Rest well and luv always.


Jerry, Ken, Adam, Esther, Joe and Pat

Daniel Than- makeup/hair artist

Hi Jimmy,


Many projects and assignments had brought us happiness, stress and also pressure. When I first heard of your passing, I was shock and dumbfounded!!

Well, I shall cut it all short and tell you what your name meant to me.

J is for Just the way you are, dedicated to your work.

I is for Inspiring Individual.

M is for my Mentor, who makes me improve on my techniques and skills.

M is for being My good friend, supporting me.

Y is for just being You. Accepting anyone in all shapes and sizes that comes along the way.

N is for Never give up hope.

E is for Excitement in every show.

W is for Wit that you possess.

T is for Tonnes of love you gave to all of us!

O is for Openness, you tell us what you want, I truly respects!

N is for No one out there will ever replace Jimmy Newton!


If not for Jaime, who is in Australia now, I wouldn't have met and know you! 

And on behalf of Jaime, makeup artsits/stylists and all performers, we would like to thank you for all you had done for us. Also to let you know that you will always be in our hearts!! We love you, Jimmy !!



Tanny Geres-Lim

Jimmy and I go way back to the Megaforce Days ....... The first time I met him was on X'mas eve in 1992, during the Ingersoll Dinner & Dance and he was doing his dance repertoire with Mark VC as Emcee and Alfred as Coordinator. Boy did he blow me away; he was a flamboyant performer with abundance of zest, talent and an uncanny ability to hold a crowd. He captivated all in his 20 mins segment!


Oh yes ! I remember a short period of performing with him in Mix Media, his comical skit performance troupe … and working with him as sales person. Oh did I mention that new Mac computer that he was so happy with - being a graphic designer that he was; we were trying so hard to get it to print ... Ahhhhh our happy hour drinks after work ...sharing his woes …..karaoke at Harry’s Sushi…  ~ all the small snippets that I remember brings a smile to my face!


In my 2006 wedding, Jimmy Newton my friend and emcee conducted a killer act as my MC for my special night. To this day, I thank him for making it more than special.


A man with many faces and a friend with one. He loved hard and cried hard.


Although I am oceans away, the distance does not diminish the painful loss of a dear friend.


For me and I am sure for many too, Jimmy is stamped in our hearts and mind forever.


He is greater than life and will be the legend that he had always meant to be. My tears shed are for a dear man, I call friend. …


A Mona Lisa in my Le Louvre ~ Forever Beautiful and Forever Cherished.


Luv always,





Caryn Lim
I'm Caryn, and I'm his niece. To me, he is always a very special uncle.

I believe that most of you, just like me, is still unable to accept the fact that Uncle Jimmy has left us. He left behind many precious moments and memories that we will always remember.

I'm really touched by the effort he puts in, in every gifts he gave us. Even a red packet, he would specially hand-made a very beautiful pouch to replace the usual thing. That goes to show how creative he can be.

I have lost a very talented uncle, whom I could have learnt alot from.

Uncle Jimmy, you will always be in our hearts and we will always love you.
Cher & Pranaya Pradhan

Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we feel about you gone, Jimmy ...... but let us share comfort in knowing you are no longer suffering.


You brought so many gifts to our lives and we will never forget that.


Although its difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort us tomorrow ~ Wish I could be there in Singapore to say goodbye but I will definitely be there in spirit and may you rest in peace ....

Latest Condolences
Ruth Liow Farewell, Jimmy August 15, 2008

I was completely shocked when I found out from the obitruaries in early June that Jimmy had passed on. He was our dance choreographer for a musical we put up for the Nanyang Technological University's Christian Fellowship Music Ministry in 1992. I remember Jimmy as a tremendously talented person. Years later, I met Jimmy again at my ex-employer's annual dinner and dance where he was the Master of Ceremony. He cracked some irreverant jokes but we all had a great time.


My sister Justine and I are both deeply saddened by your passing, Jimmy. Our deepest condolences to your family and loved ones.


Yours sincerely,

Ruth (Chueng Xin)

Justine Liow Just heard from my sister who is visiting.. August 14, 2008

I met Jimmy while we were both part of the cast in the Bugis Street Musical I think about 15 years ago. The production had a chance to make a tour to Hong Kong.


Jimmy was such a talented performer who left a deep impression in my heart. We didn't really spent time together much but I can tell that he was a caring and a very sincere person.


My deepest condolences to your family and loved ones, Jimmy. You are sadly missed by all of us.



(currently residing in Chicago, USA)

Andrew Missing YOU June 16, 2008

It came as a total shock when I receive the news...memories flash back to the days that I 1st got to know Jimmy n that was 12 yrs ago & it's just like yesterday...

We had spend alot of times together like planning for shows, shopping, supper etc...and through the years he had always been a great friend, helping me, encouraging me, advising me... we may not always agree on ideas or see eye to eye in our view but we had always had a very good relationship...through him, I've learn alot of things and in particular, learning to have an eye for details since he is always a perfectionalist...

I can go on & on about Jimmy as a colleague, a consultant and most importantly as a friend but but nothing will bring him back from the LORD... May You Rest in Peace, Jimmy...i will always miss your laughter, your smile and most importantly YOU

Joshua U will be sadly missed June 15, 2008

Dear Jim


Can't believe that it has been 9 years sinec we first met. I remember it our love and craze for sitcoms that first brought us together. I remember so clearly those days (when you are still living in Toa Payoh), where I will pop by at night with supper to watch re-run of old sitcoms like 'The Nanny, Cybill, Friends, Frasier etc... " Then later on, we got hooked onto Sex and the City, Will and Grace, OH YES plus Harry Potter, and would spent afternoons watching the DVDs together, having coffee and cakes and laughing hard.


I  will missed those fun mahjong sessions we had, playing and sipping wine, watching TV, bitching and gossiping at the same time. Oh yes, and those fun overseas trip we have been to with the gang.


I cherish our friendship a great deal though at times I do not show it explicitly. I am gratefull for your guidance and advice all these years. May God be with you and your family forever.




Joshua Cheow



Tony Ng, NP 1989 Mr June 14, 2008



I can't believe you are gone. It is just like we were talking yesterday. We knew each other since Ngee Ann Culture Center's Opening in 1988. (If my memory serves me right).  We met again on the flight to BKK 3 years ago, we chatted and you shared your stories. It is always amazing to hear you talk. I am fortunate to witnesse your fantastic MC skills in China Club last year. You were the Shining Star, Jimmy. Bringing  the people together. Indeed a memorable evening.


Just want you to know, we miss you! Rest in peace, my Friend.


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